Westwind e-Newsletter – August 22, 2017

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August 22, 2017

Dear friends,

Westwind experienced the astronomical spectacle of a Total Eclipse yesterday. The most commonly uttered word was “Amazing.” Campers watched for creepy shadows and used eclipse glasses to follow the ‘partial phase’ period where the moon slowly moved across the face of the sun. And then, at 10:17am, “totality” occurred. For almost 2 minutes, everyone saw the beautiful solar corona (the “star flower”) that shines around the moon during totality. With cheers and tears (for many, this was a joyful emotional experience), this event was a great kick-off to the last Summer Camp Youth Session for 2017. We will be sharing photos and videos soon, but check out our Facebook post for some quick glimpses.

Eclipse at Westwind with Kids

 Eclipse at Westwind
Another natural spectacle that occurs at Westwind each year is also upon us: the return of Chinook and Coho salmon to the streams of the Oregon coast, including Westwind’s own Salmon River. To celebrate this amazing feat of nature, Westwind will host its 4th annual “Welcome the Salmon Home” event on September 10th. Please register online and join us for an afternoon of Westwind and Salmon river tours, art projects, traditional salmon bake, and other family friendly activities. Recommended donation is $10; all ages welcome! WTSH Button

On September 16, Westwind will host “Westwind Through the Ages, a Camp Fashion Show” at Oaks Park in Portland, Oregon. This is a chance for Westwind’s many alumni and friends – from Camp Westwind, Outdoor School, and the various other retreats and programs that call Westwind home – to gather for lunch and a celebration of over eight decades of Westwind. Like the talent shows that frequently occur at Westwind, “Westwind Through the Ages” will be an entertaining afternoon with friends who all share love and fondness for Westwind. All proceeds from the event will go to Westwind’s Campership Fund.

WTTA Button with date and time
Not to miss a beat, Westwind’s 7th annual Ukulele camp, “Tunes in the Dunes,” will be happening that same weekend, September 15-17th. Run by Full Heart Productions, this popular camp (which is full!) is preceded by a Fundraiser Concert for Westwind on Thursday, September 14th, at the Lincoln City Cultural Center (buy tickets at: https://lincolncityculturalcenter.thundertix.com/). All proceeds from the concert will go to Westwind’s Campership Fund.  2017 Ukulele Concert

Other upcoming programs include the Fall Family CampMushroom CampStewardship Weekend, and Winter Youth Camp. Check them all out at Westwind.org.

Check them all out, sign up, stay in touch, and we look forward to seeing soon you at Westwind, Portland, or Lincoln City!