Because of Westwind…
…Catlin Gabel Students Can Learn About the Environment First Hand Catlin Gabel school is a long-time rental group. Their time at Westwind allows students the opportunity to enjoy nature in community with others. During their stay, students can be found independently reading assigned books throughout camp; staff and students alike are able to shed their city layers…
Because of Westwind …
…Father and Son Jim (left) and Chuck (right) Stilson Share Fond Memories Captured in a moment of companionship, Jim and Chuck Stilson lounge and enjoy the warm spring sunshine during Visitors’ Day. Jim, who resides in Norway, visits his father who lives in Portland. Along with two close family friends, they return to Westwind to…
Join Westwind at The The Original Taco House on November 1!
Hungry For Mouth Watering Tacos? Want to support Westwind and enjoy a delicious taco feast? Well, you’re in luck! Join Westwind at the Original Taco House (3550 SE Powell Blvd) on November 1 from 11 am – 9 pm to officially kick-off our 2017 Give!Guide fundraiser. Westwind will receive 25% of the all proceeds, which…
Westwind Participating in 2017 Willamette Week Give!Guide!
What is Give!Guide? Give!Guide is a Portland based nonprofit now celebrating its 13th year. Give!Guide organizes an annual city wide fundraiser featuring 149 select non-profits; the fundraiser encourages philanthropy among donors 35 and under. Last year, Give!Guide raised over 4 million dollars! Of this 4 million, donors 35 and under gave over $300,000. Last year,…
Join Westwind for Jan Term!
Don’t Get Rained Out in January, Join Jan Term Instead! Westwind will host its third Jan Term during 2018, a month long course for college students. Guests will explore the interconnection of self, community and the environment. Westwind is the ideal location for students to connect deeply with themselves and the natural world. During this…
Westwind Has Officially Welcomed the Salmon Home!
A Special Westwind Thank You to Those Who Attended! As scheduled, Westwind “Welcomed the Salmon Home” on Saturday, September 16 from 12 – 4 pm. 168 guests attended the community event. Guests went on an estuary tour with Captain Jer with Water Program Coordinator Irene Bailey at the helm. Some visitors chose to go on…
Dream of Renewable Energy Comes to Life
Westwind Solar Panel Installation Nearly Complete! Westwind’s Solar Power Project on the Tillicum Barn (former horse stables) nears joyful completion! Now fully installed on the Tillicum roof, the array of 93 solar panels needs grid connection and an electrical inspection. Once activated, the array will generate up to 20% of camp’s electrical use. Westwind will share on its website both…
Westwind offers Fresh air and Salmon Celebration
Coho and Chinook coming back to the Salmon River! There are not many welcome-home parties where the guest of honor also appears on the menu. But then again, there are not many creatures like the salmon. It inspires scientific, artistic and cultural endeavors throughout the Pacific Northwest, at the same time dominating the coastal culinary…
Session 7 and Eclipse Videos & Photos Updated!
Latest Videos & Photos from 2017 Summer Camp! Session 7 Video Posted on YouTube, another amazing video compiled by Dance. Session 7 is now uploaded. Eclipse Video Check out this video with an original song written by and performed by Sticks and her cabin. Session 7 Photos Dig deep and find the awesome surf, snorkle…
Welcome the Salmon Home 2017 at Westwind
Welcome the Salmon Home at Westwind! Come to Westwind for an afternoon and celebrate the science and heritage of the NW’s iconic and ecologically important fish. 1-5 pm Open to the public Gather at Westwind’s waterfront along the Salmon River and celebrate the return of chinook and coho salmon after their multi-year lives in deep waters…