Visitor’s Day 2023
JOIN US ON JUNE 18 AT CAMP WESTWIND! Meet the 2023 Summer Staff and enjoy guided hikes, site tours, beach walks, and more! Lunch is provided. RSVP closed. Have you always wanted to visit the site and haven’t had the chance? Are you coming out this summer and want to meet Westwind staff? Come to…
The New Westwind Website is Here
We are pleased to see you here on the NEW website. We hope the new site will help you learn more about Westwind Stewardship Group and the Westwind site. (Check out our History page to dive deeper.) You will notice new Accessibility Features in a small brown box on the upper left of the…
Fall Programs Registration Open Now!
2023 Fall Programs Registration Opens on May 1st at 9am! Featured Fall Programs: Alumni/Friends of Westwind Camp August 25-27 Fall Family Camp! A: October 13-15 B: October 20-22 Mushroom Camp! A: November 3-5 B: November 10-12 Please email for support or questions.
Join us on Earth Day 4/22 at Westwind!
Join us for a day at Camp Westwind to celebrate Earth Day! We are excited to welcome you to Westwind’s scenic beach and green forests on April 22, 2023. Ferry crossings will begin at 12:30PM at Knight County Park, and return crossings will begin at 3:30PM. Come spend the day walking along the Salmon River…
Accepting 2023 Babysitter Applications now!
Family Camp Teen Babysitter Volunteers During Westwind’s Family Camps, Teen Babysitter Volunteers play a huge role! This is a great opportunity to spend time at Westwind while at the same time gaining experience working with children! Roles as a volunteer babysitter: Helping summer staff with Color Groups (activity groups made up of children of a…
Apply for Teen Lead 2 today!
APPLY HERE! Application period: December 15-31, 2022 Any questions? Email Laura at Teen Leadership 2 registration will be open to applicants who are selected after completing an application and interview. Typically, there are 12-14 spots for the Teen Leadership 2 camp. Sessions 5 and 6. (This camp is attended by campers for BOTH sessions, campers…
Summer Camp Registration Opens November 1st!
Get ready to register for 2023 summer camp! Registration begins on November 1st at 7am* PDT. Here are some tips and FAQs to help you prepare. *Please note the time change (previously 9am PDT). To register, please follow this link or sign into your UltraCamp account and select the session you are interested in. When…
The Ferries Have Returned!
It was a calm, warm summer evening and the tide was a perfect 6.0. The Nana and the Ina waited patiently to begin the longest journey of their already storied lives.
Another Summer Done!
Can you believe that Summer 2022 is already behind us??! THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our programs this summer. It was another season of Westwind magic, stars in the sand, epic sunsets, songs, hilarious campfires, flying arrows and tree climbs, trails explored, and Westwind memories made. We already miss our campers and our…
2022 Visitor’s Day
Join us for Visitor’s Day, June 18th, 2022! Have you always wanted to visit the site and haven’t had the chance? Are you coming out this summer and want to meet Westwind staff? Come to our Visitor’s Day on June 18, open to camper families, Westwind alumni (camp, Outdoor School, and other former Westwind guests)…