Campers, staff and alumni have been asked to share how Westwind has brought them joy and encouraged them to share that joy in the world. The following is from Amanda “Fiji” Johnston.
Fiji and Chai, friendship formed through their Westwind journey.
“Westwind has taught me that joy is worth the risk. When I first came to camp at the age of 9, I was scared beyond belief, but I took a leap of faith and embarked on what has become the most incredible journey of my life. Throughout the last ten years as both a camper and a staff member, Westwind has not only shaped who I am but has taught me who I want to be. Westwind pushed me to new limits and taught me to reach for the highest heights. Because of my experiences at camp, I am able to find joy no matter the circumstance. Thanks to Westwind, I have discovered the true meaning of joy and happiness with the memories I have created, the lessons I have learned, and the lifelong friendships I have formed.”
Leaving the comfort zone
We all have had to take risks in our lives, some are scary, others not as much. Westwind encourages people of all ages to step out of their comfort zones, to take risks in building relationships, learning new skills and becoming part of something bigger than the 529 acres of majestic land many call a second home.
Sharing the journey with others
Help us continue giving the opportunity to people of all ages to step out and take risks, growing as individuals, connecting to a greater community and being in nature.