Campership Partners

Breaking Down Barriers

For too long marginalized groups have been prevented from accessing the outdoors. Barriers including discrimination, financial costs, and non-responsive programs restrict who accesses transformative outdoor experiences. Westwind works with nine incredible partner organizations to break down these barriers and ensure our programs are truly accessible to all children. Westwind provides almost 200 Camperships every year to reduce the financial burden of our camps and works directly with our partner organizations to ensure our programs are responsive to their camper’s needs.

Partner Organizations

  • Family Preservation Project (FPP) works with families of incarcerated mothers. FPP has also started a youth advocacy group where former Westwind campers use the skills they have learned to create real change in the lives of families impacted by the criminal justice system.
  • Raphael House provides support to families and children experiencing domestic abuse. Our partnership provides families with a safe space for connection, bonding, and relaxation.
  • Family Promise of Lincoln County helps families experiencing housing insecurity in our local community. At Westwind, Family Promise campers redefine their relationship with the outdoors and learn important skills like self-advocacy and resilience, and find joy in nature.
  • Catholic Charities Refugee Community provides access to housing, education, and social services to refugee children and families. At Westwind, campers learn new skills, build connections, and learn to be active members of their communities.
  • AG Bell works with deaf and hard of hearing people to provide transformative experiences and help them have a voice in the world. Westwind works with AG Bell to increase access to summer camp programs for deaf and heard of hearing children and ensure our programs are responsive to the needs of these campers.
  • People of Color Outdoors (POCO) helps Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) connect with nature and build community. Westwind provides space for POCO members to safely engage with nature and promotes programs to increase BIPOC access to the outdoors.
  • Cornerstone Community provides housing assistance to families across the state. Westwind offers families and kids
  • Kairos focuses on providing education to underserved communities. At Westwind, their campers continue their educational journey and unlock new possibilities through the outdoors.
  • Southern Oregon Coast Pride helps LGBTQIA+ children find place and purpose in the world by providing education, support, and role models. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming space for all campers regardless of gender or sexual identity.

Financial Assistance

Westwind also offers direct financial assistance to children and families applying for camp programs. This past year, ninety-two campers received support to attend Westwind programs. We are tremendously proud of the support we give to campers each year. Camperships represent an investment in future nature lovers, leaders, and strong community members.

Support Camperships

Westwind is committed to helping all children and families access outdoor educational experiences. We offer camperships to every family and child who needs assistance to attend our programs. This is a massive financial undertaking and would not be possible without the direct support of our community. By donating, you can create a Westwind legacy of breaking down barriers to transformative camp experiences and ensure all children can walk our wild shores. Learn more about leaving your Westwind legacy.