Can you think of a better way to celebrate Earth Day than by supporting one of your favorite places on earth?
Westwind is an incredible place.
Those of us who are lucky enough to have experienced the unforgettable sense of community, connection, inspiration and joy want Camp Westwind to live on for future generations.
But now, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, that future is in jeopardy.
Without Spring programs, Westwind does not have the funds to continue operations. We have had to lay off all but three of our staff. Those staying on are at a significantly reduced capacity to “keep the lights on” while we weather the storm.
As it currently stands, we are seeking at least $250K in emergency funding to help us bridge the financial gap COVID-19 has created. When deemed safe to continue programs, we will be able to rehire staff, resume operations and continue our 84-year legacy of providing life-changing outdoor experiences to youth and families.
A future without Westwind is difficult to fathom.
I hope you’ll join me in making an extra personally significant financial gift to Westwind in this time of need. The generosity of past generations has enabled Westwind to impact our own lives, and now future generations are counting on us to steward Westwind’s legacy on their behalf.
Donations can be made directly to the Camp Westwind Recovery Fund by clicking here. Checks can be mailed to the Westwind office: 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive Ste 202 Portland, OR 97220.
Thank you and stay well,
Westwind Staff & Board of Directors
If you would like to learn more about this giving opportunity or have any questions, please contact: