Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock! It’s Almost Fashion Show Time O’Clock!
Westwind Gets Runway Ready! Excited to see fresh faces from all walks of life strut their stuff down down the runway? We are! Westwind Through the Ages Westwind’s first fashion show, “Westwind Through the Ages” will be fun for the whole family and a great way to celebrate Westwind. Staff have dug deep into the…
Session 2 Campers Enjoy Camp Westwind’s Bioblitz!
Sea Snail, Anyone? Early Monday morning, campers greeted the low tide during Westwind’s “BioBlitz,” or, exploring tide pools during very low tide. Under the tutelage of experts and under the close supervision of camp staff, campers became acquainted with sea creatures of all shapes and sizes: hermit crabs, anemones and starfish to name a few. Many…
Westwind “Steps Up” Its Deck Remodeling Efforts
Westwind Has “Stepped Up” to the Building Challenge Hooray! Westwind’s long anticipated deck remodel project rounds third base just in time for summer camp! Come visit and help us break in the new deck: enjoy the expansive ocean views, lounge on its new steps, smell the cool ocean breeze, and enjoy the warm summer sun…
Rockin’ Time at Geology Camp!
Thank you Geology Campers for attending Westwind’s first ever ‘Geology Camp’! Dramatic Landscape Revealed The Westwind landscape highlights a number of the Northwest’s dramatic geologic stories. Sedimentary deposits in the estuary from earthquakes and tsunamis are in plain sight. Basalt cliffs of Westwind and Cascade Head reveal Oregons volcanic past. Explore the landscape . . . by…
Campership Support from the Autzen Foundation
Oh Happy Day! Westwind was awarded a $5,000 grant from the Autzen Foundation! All proceeds will benefit Westwind’s Campership program and leverage our ability to purchase outdoor supplies for campers-in-need. With continued foundation support, Westwind can better meet the needs of its increasingly diverse camper population. To date, Westwind has already provided $125,000 in Camperships to…
Westwind 2016 Annual Report Westwind’s 2016 Annual Report is hot off the press! Stunning pictures, stories, organizational updates and fun facts will bring you back to the sandy shores and place you love. Get cozy by yourself or share it with a friend – either way, indulge yourself and enjoy!
The 2017 Westwind Summer Camp season is fast approaching. We cannot wait to have the staff arrive. In just another week we will begin to have International staff from all over the world fly in to spend a summer at Westwind. Please meet some more of our 2017 Summer Staff. Introducing… Camp Name: Zazu…
Who are the summer staff?
Now introducing…… In just over four weeks we will welcome 55 young adults to Westwind to work for 12 weeks. Camp staff come from places far and near, and while some have grown up at Westwind and some have not yet been to Westwind, one thing they all have in common is their passion for…
Campership Support from Juan Young Trust
$5,000 Gifted Towards Campership Support Monday brought a happy surprise: Westwind found a $5,000 check gifted from Juan Young Trust towards Campership support! The gift will allow Westwind to purchase shoes, outdoor clothing, supplies and provide transportation to campers unable to afford these items. Westwind will provide campers with a care package that includes one new pair of…
Not too late to sign up for Geology Camp!
Join us for two nights on the Oregon coast and explore the mysteries of coastal geology. June 9–11, 2017 all ages, $300 adult/$150 child Geology Camp will take place at Camp Westwind just north of Lincoln City, Oregon and in the middle of the Cascade Head U.N. Biosphere Reserve. A perfect weekend getaway before the busy…