2024 Fall Family Camp

Registration is open!

Fall Friends and Family Camp:

A: October 11-13, 2024 

 B: October 18-20, 2024 

Our three day/two night Fall Friends & Family camp is for families, couples, groups of friends, or individuals of any age looking to celebrate fall and spend a festive weekend at Westwind!

The schedule for all family camps includes programming for everyone! Throughout the day, families can choose to do arts & crafts, canoe & kayak, challenge course, hike,  and various other camp activities. The first night will end in a campfire - bring your talents to share! There will also be a Harvest Festival with fall-themed activities. At the Harvest Festival, families can choose to do face painting, pumpkin decorating, a pie walk, and plenty of other games to win candy and other fun fall-themed prizes!

We are excited to bring back our Family Camp Teen Babysitter program for Fall Family Camp! Utilize our fun and capable babysitters to enjoy some kid-free time at camp!





All cabins are shared. Please indicate during registration if you would like to share a cabin with another family of your choosing. Otherwise, be prepared to make some new friends! For any specific lodging accommodations, please let us know in advance.

All food will be provided!

Please email info@westwind.org for questions, concerns, or to request additional information. We hope to see you there!