Trivia Tuesday: where did all the sand go?
Happy Solstice! Camp Westwind is underway (Day 3 of Session 1) and summer officially starts today . . . so it is a perfect time to ask about Winter! TRIVIA QUESTION: Where did all the sand go that was washed away during the past winter’s storms (take note of exposed rocks near the bottom of the…
Camp Westwind begins for 2016!
Session 1 is off to a sunny, amazing start! Look at the size of our circle at flag on opening day (Sunday)! Watch Facebook and the website blog for more photos and blog posts!!
Trivia Tuesday at Westwind: Nature’s Food processors
Did you know that Westwind strives to process its kitchen and table scraps in a thoughtful, low-energy, and biologically healthy way? We couldn’t do it without our team of garden animals – Dobby and Daisy the goats, the Coop d’Ville community of ten chickens, Ebb and Flow the pigs, and the compost hut. Together these animals (including the…
Calling All Camp Westwind Alumni
Share your camp stories! Celebrate Camp Westwind’s 80th birthday by sharing your camp story. Help Westwind create a vibrant quilt of memories by sharing a camp memory and tell us how Westwind has impacted you
Registration Open for Westwind’s Mushroom Camp!
Come see what’s popping up at Westwind this Fall! Sign up now for Westwind’s *NEW* Mushroom Camp, November 4-6th, 2016!
Call to Action: Help Outdoor School
Friends, Outdoor School for All urgently needs your help! The Outdoor School for All campaign is collecting signatures for a ballot initiative so that every single Oregon 6th grader can go to Outdoor School. With your help, we can make sure this simple and powerful goal comes true. Sign the petition today Recent research studies indicate…
Field Study: Boshniakia Hookeri
Westwind is home to an abundance of plant and animal life. One that you might not encounter everyday is the Vancouver Groundcone or Boshniakia hookeri. This parasitic herb grows low to the ground and feeds off of the Salal plants roots. They can be a variety of colors, from yellow/red to purple and a single plant can…
Camp Stories: Accommodating Diverse Diets
It was my first summer at Westwind (2013) and there was a young camper with some pretty serious dietary needs. She was so scared that she was going to get sick that she skipped her first meal. I sat and talked with her and we looked at the menu and I told her everything that…
Field Study: Meet Rubus Parviflorus
Thimbleberry or Rubus parviflorus is another of Westwind’s abundant berry species. It’s soft white flowers soon turn to raspberry like fruit with a subtle but sweet flavor. These show up here on the coast in late April and fruit sometimes till mid June. You can find and enjoy them on one of the many trails…
Evergreen Huckleberry at Westwind
White bells soon to be purplish-black jewels of goodness. Vaccinium ovatum (Evergreen Huckleberry) is one of Westwind’s prolific plant verities. Various conditions (rain, temperature, etc.) affect the number of blossoms and size of fruit. In a few months it will be berry picking time!