Teen Leadership 2 Applications are Open!
Teen Leadership 2 registration will be open to applicants who are selected after completing an application and interview. Typically, there are 12-14 spots for the Teen Leadership 2 camp.
Sessions 5 and 6
(To participate in this program, each camper must commit to both sessions with a break in between).
This two week program is an incredible opportunity to enhance and develop self-confidence, self-awareness, communication skills, tolerance for adversity, and a personal leadership style. As a follow-up from Teen Leadership 1, your training as a TL2 will begin when you step on to the ferry and will guide you to feel more confident and comfortable with your skills as a leader and communicator. Over the course of this program, you will graduate from being a camper to becoming a leader in your community, and possibly as a future Westwind staff member. This is an endless opportunity to be challenged, practice your leadership and creativity, be a positive role model, and make new friends. Apply now to join our amazing TL2 program where you will experience the challenges and wonders of two inspiring weeks at Westwind!
*Completing Teen Lead 2 is not a requirement to become a Westwind staff member, but it provides you with helpful and meaningful skills.
–> Learn more about Teen Lead 2 and apply here!
Applications and reference forms will be posted December 15th, 2023.
For additional information or questions email: info@westwind.org or laura@westwind.org

Teen Apprentice Applications Are Open!
Teen Apprentice registration is open on an individual basis. Campers need to complete an application and be interviewed to be offered a spot in the program. Applicants need to be 15 years old and it is preferred that they have completed Teen Adventure 1. Please download the application below and email izzy@westwind.org with your completed application any questions you may have.
Grades 10 and higher, by application, interview and acceptance only.
For one session of camp, Teen Apprentices receive a hands-on glimpse of what it means to work at Camp Westwind. On the first day of the session sit with the Teen Apprentice Coordinator and develop your schedule for the week based on your program interests. Teen Apprentices have a choice between shadowing the waterfront coordinator, nature specialist, arts specialist, and media specialists. Apprentices will also have time to shadow a cabin counselor to gain experience working with children and facilitating activities.
–>Learn more about Teen Apprentice here!

Family Camp Babysitter Volunteer Applications Are Open!
Teen Babysitter Volunteers play a huge role at Westwind’s Family Camps! This is a great opportunity to spend time at Westwind while gaining valuable guided experience working with children!
Roles as a volunteer babysitter:
- Helping summer staff with Color Groups (activity groups made up of children of a similar age).
- Babysitting in cabins in the evenings (may include helping with bedtime routines, reading stories, and playing games).
- Sitting with families at meals and helping with camp meal time routines.
- Babysitting during activity blocks (families may sign up for a babysitter during daytime activity blocks).
- Singing camp songs and performing with campers at talent shows and campfires
Applications are posted through your UltraCamp account. Please sign into your camp account (you may need parental or guardian help to sign in). You will find the application located in the ‘Document Center’ found under the ‘Additional Options’ tab. Applications are found in the left column under ‘Online Forms’.
All applicants must be at least 14 years of age before they attend Westwind as a babysitter.
Please feel free to contact Izzy with any questions: izzy@westwind.org