

Highlands Cabins

Highlands consists of four cabins and an outhouse. It is a short walk from main camp and is primarily used by campers in 5th and 6th grade during youth camp.

Trail on left to Highland cabins – trail on right to McIver Lodge and Dorm – trail is loose and compact sand – native vegetation - Tsunami Evacuation Route sign
Stairs that lead to Vi’s Place, Hidel and Highland cabins – directional signs to Vi’s Place, Hidel, Highland, Wyeast and the Point – native vegetation - trail is loose and compact sand
Wooden steps without railings– Four cabins in Highlands – surface is sand and natural materials – native vegetation
Wooden steps without railings– Four cabins in Highlands – surface is sand and natural materials – native vegetation
Highlands cabin, Tamoshanter (lowest cabin) – five steps with handrail to porch that has railing - round door knob – door with window pushes in– door overhang –free hands mesh screen door –trail with tree roots - native vegetation – drinking foundation made of pipe with turn on knob
Highlands cabin, Bagpipers – two steps to porch with railing - round door knob – door with window pushes in– door overhang –hands free mesh screen door – native vegetation
Highlands cabin, Kilties – three steps with hand rail to porch with railing - round door knob – door with window pushes in– door overhang – door overhang - drinking foundation made of pipe and turn on knob – native vegetation
Highlands cabin, Thistledown (highest cabin) – two steps to porch with railing - round door knob – door with window pushes in– door overhang – hands free mesh screen door – door overhang - native vegetation
All cabin interiors are the same in highlands. Four wooden bunk beds - single cot size bed that is moveable – plastic mattress beds - three windows with curtains.
Wooden outhouse in Highlands – one step – wooden front door – white fiberglass roof - toilet seat on top of concrete box with wood top - trash bucket – hand sanitizer- Toliet Paper dispenser – latch to close door